
I’m Tyler, a software engineer currently doing full-stack work at Airbnb Seattle.

Tyler Geonetta

I previously worked for SpaceX, also in the Seattle area. Before that I worked in Las Vegas, NV where I went to school (UNLV) and was raised.

My work has been primarily full-stack web development work on various technology stacks. I enjoy getting my hands dirty in all areas of the stack (frontend, backend, database – really anywhere). My full resume can be found in the main menu of this website.

I chose developing software as a career because I can create new things quickly and with little overhead. As a point of comparison, civil engineers can be in the planning stages for years on a single project. In software, if you can think it (and have a text editor handy), you can build it.

Some things I like to do in my free time:

  • Watching Pluralsight videos until my eyes bleed
  • Being bad at kickball
  • Craft beers

Want to contact me? Please reach out at: my email